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St Brigid’s Primary School, Mountfield

Break the Rules Day

20th Oct 2023

Our school council is a group of children who are voted for by their peers to stand for them and their ideas. Our School Councillors held their first meeting last week and the children throughout the year will attend regular meetings where ideas from each year group are expressed and considered.

There are various benefits to having a school council. It helps children feel valued, as they are able to express their opinions and make decisions about things that affect their lives. For those involved, it’s a chance to develop leadership, organisation, and public speaking skills, which will benefit them in their secondary school journey and even later in life when they are navigating university and a future career.

As well as debating important issues, like what extra-curricular activities are available and what appears on the menu at lunchtime, the school council are usually also responsible for organising exciting activities, such as school discos, Christmas jumper day and something unique like, "Break The Rules Day."

So today our pupils got to choose various "Rule Breakers" which included wearing their own clothes, painting their nails, painting their faces, eating unhealthy breaks, having crazy hair and many more fun activities.

I think it would be fair to say that the children will be looking to regularly break the rules days in the future! We look forward to hearing what other ideas the children come up with!