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St Brigid’s Primary School, Mountfield


20th Mar 2019

Children from Year 3 to Year 7 have participated in the Paws b Programme from January. Paws b is a leading mindfulness curriculum for children aged 7 -11. Mindfulness provides children with simple, practical tools to work directly with their nervous systems, helping them regulate emotional states and focus attention.

Children’s mindfulness training starts with learning focusing skills. When we learn to focus on just one thing, like taste, sound or our own breath, our mind calms down and grows stronger. Refined concentration skills, in turn, translate to improved performance. It helps children do better in sports, school or arts, and it will help them score higher on tests. We always do better when we’re able to pay attention to what we’re doing. When children practice focusing skills, they become aware of what their minds are really up to. Mindfulness practice helps children deal with tough emotions and even improves impulse control. It replaces impulsive reactions with thoughtful responses. Without mindfulness we tend to be reactive, whereas with mindfulness we can respond in a balanced, rational way.  Mindfulness gives children the tools to focus their minds, calm down and reflect on a situation when they need to make a choice. When we’re aware of our inner life and are able to observe it, emotions and thoughts can lose their control over us, and we get more time to respond.

We would like to thank Marian Bradley for delivering the course.